Marino Marini

Marino Marini

MARINO MARINI Pistoia, 1901 – Viareggio, 1980
Marino Marini was born in Pistoia on February 27, 1901. In 1917, he enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, where he studied painting under Galileo Chini and sculpture under Domenico Trentacoste. The early years of his career were dedicated to painting, drawing, and graphic arts. In 1926, he resided in Florence, and the following year, he met Arturo Martini in Monza, who would later invite him to succeed him in teaching at the I.S.I.A. at the Villa Reale in Monza. In 1928, he participated in the exhibition of the “Novecento” group in Milan. In 1929, he stayed in Paris, where he had the opportunity to interact with De Pisis, Picasso, Maillol, Lipchitz, Braque, and Laurents. On the direct advice of Mario Tozzi, he sent his terracotta sculpture “Popolo” to the Exhibition of Modern Italian Art at the Bonaparte Gallery in Paris. He continued to exhibit with the “Novecento” group in Milan (1929), Nice (1929), Helsinki (1930), and Stockholm (1931).