GUY MARINEAU Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 1947
From his first meeting with Yves Saint-Laurent and Pierre Bergé, Guy Marineau will be their photographer for more than thirty years. He also worked for Christian Lacroix and Valentino for several decades. This profession allowed him to share strong moments with most of his models, both in fashion and cinema. The one who ‘could have had a nice collection of photos of corpses – if he had persevered in the forensic profession – found himself with a collection of photos of beautiful girls’ – Guy Marineau.

GUY MARINEAU Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 1947
He became interested in the world of images at the age of ten and bought his first camera. In 1971 he moved to Paris where he began working as a photographer. On weekends he travels to France for personal photo reports. His work gets noticed. He becomes friends with Mr. Yves Saint Laurent and André Ostier, for whom he makes all his black and white prints: he discovers the world of fashion. Since his first meeting with Yves Saint-Laurent and Pierre Bergé, things have been going well. Guy Marineau will be their photographer for more than thirty years, both for fashion shows and for more intimate photo sessions, especially in the home of Mr. Saint-Laurent in Marrakech. He also worked for Christian Lacroix and Valentino for several decades. Beyond 'making images', this profession has allowed him to share strong and humanly enriching moments with most of his models, both in fashion and in the world of cinema. Also, the one who 'could have had a nice collection of photos of corpses - if he had persevered in the forensic profession - found himself with a collection of photos of beautiful girls' - Guy Marineau.