Rome, 21 October – 30 November 2019 – RESTELLIARTCO.

Pop as “Popular”, to define a movement revolutioning the concept of art, with the artist no longer
engaged in a form of individual expression, but in the role of an observer of a consumer society
that in turn becomes the object of artistic expression .
“With In Pop We Trust – explain the gallery owners Raffaella Rossi and Filippo Restelli – we wanted to
emphasize, in an era that through social networks and media seems to burn every fashion and
every emotion to the rhythm of like, the importance of the role of a narrating subject (the artist) who shows us
through his works how we really are, what our myths and new fetishes are.
The Restelliartco, one is a temporal narration accompanying the visitor on a journey
within a generation that has made the image the means through which to express oneself
one’s personality. From the early 1970s works of Warhol to the rugs of Robert Indiana,
photographs by Robert Mapplethorpe, screenprints by Keith Haring, artworks by Roy Lichtenstein,
Mike Kelley, Obey-Shepard Fairey, and contemporary Norman Gekko, that with its Louis
Vuitton and Chanel, deformed and built in recycled materials, tells the selfish exhibitionism of a
society of fake well-being staged every day on social networks
Since in pop art the truth of contemporary item it’s no longer to be good for something, but mean,
Here then are the gas cans of old war vehicles on which the Roman artist Fabio Ferrone Viola
paints a Christ with a suffering and tormented face inspired by Jesus of Nazareth by Franco Zeffirelli. In
“Fuel of Love”, the cans in the past have contained gasoline, propulsion liquid that starts the engine, today welcome on their surface a sacred image. This is Passion intended as
the means through which to evoke active and emotional participation of the spectator.
Cristiana Pedersoli piggy banks are everyday objects that come back to life as well.
Daughter of the famous Bud Spencer, the artist will present her Pop Regrets, not only piggy banks, but precious caskets.
from the symbolic value. The one with the image of Diabolik is of particular interest, and the one
with the face of Bud Spenser.


Among the presented artworks:

Di Faced Tenner, 2004
Offset print – cm. 7,6 x 14,2 Silver Flag, 2006
Screen print on paper – cm. 50 x 70
Edition of 1000

Turf War, 2003
Screen print on paper – cm. 49 x 34
Limited edition of 750

Fabio Ferrone Viola
Fuel of Love , 2018
Acrylic on 70s military tanks – cm. 185 x 140 x 20
Unique work

Norman Gekko
Chanel XL, 2019
Mixed media on metal cm. 107 x 70 x 36
Unique work for Restelliartco

Mixed media on metal cm. 31 x 13 x 12
Limited Edition

Keith Haring
Apocalypse, 1988
Screenprint on paper – cm. 96,2 x 96,2
Limited edition of 90

Robert Indiana
Chosen Love, 2006
Dyed wool carpet, hand tufted – cm. 240 x 240
Limited edition of 175

Cristiana Pedersoli
Diabolik, 2017
Acrylic and enamel on terracotta – cm. 40 x 27
Limited Edition

Bud, 2019
Acrylic and enamel on terracotta – cm. 40 x 27
Unique work for Restelliartco

Andy Warhol
Most Wanted Man, 1967
Black and white screenprint on paper – cm. 44,5 x 77

Andy Warhol
Marilyn Monroe, “Sunday B. Morning”, 1970
Screenprint on paper – cm. 84,5 x 84,5
Limited Edition