CINDY SHERMAN Glen Ridge, 1954
Cindy Sherman is an American artist, photographer and director known for her conceptual self-portraits. She is celebrated all over the world as one of the most influential personalities of art.
The artist produces series of works, photographing itself in a variety of customs. She does not in any way manipulate her photos, which are a portrait of herself, in which she appears disguised playing a particular and always different role. The works are often created in her apartment, at the home of Robert Longo’s family or around New York using her own or borrowed objects and costumes from friends.

CINDY SHERMAN Glen Ridge, 1954
Cindy Sherman is an American artist, photographer and director known for her conceptual self-portraits. She is celebrated all over the world as one of the most influential personalities of art. The artist produces series of works, photographing itself in a variety of customs. She does not in any way manipulate her photos, which are a portrait of herself, in which she appears disguised playing a particular and always different role. The works are often created in her apartment, at the home of Robert Longo's family or around New York using her own or borrowed objects and costumes from friends.