Steve Mc Curry

Steve Mc Curry

STEVE MC CURRY Philadelphia, 1950
“I learned to be patient. If you wait long enough, people forget the camera and their soul begins to hover towards you. I look for the moment when the most genuine soul appears, in which the experience is imprinted on the face of a person. I want to convey the visceral sense of beauty and wonder I found of in front of me during my travels. ”

A US photojournalist, Steve McCurry is known primarily for the
photograph of the Afghan Girl , published as the cover of National Geographic Magazine of June 1985.
McCurry pauses to consider the human aspects of the war, showing what it manages to impress on people’s faces. It is driven by an innate curiosity towards the world and all those who live there, and has an extraordinary ability to cross the boundaries of language and different cultures to capture stories of human experience.